Ref. No.
The Embassy of Nepal
Abu Dhabi
Regarding: Visa Verification
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have enclosed the original UAE visas as per the details given below. We would like to request you to attest the particulars mentioned below upon verification with the original visas and send it to concerned authorities of the Government of Nepal for necessary action. These visas are related to demand letter signed by Nepal Embassy dated………………………..No………….Or Chamber of commerce dated………………………….copy of attached herewith.
Name, Address and Phone No. of Employer Agency in the UAE:
Name, Address and Phone No. of Recruiting Agency in the UAE, if any:
Name, Address and Phone No. of Recruiting Agency in Nepal:
S. No. |
Name of Visa Holder |
Passport No. |
Date of Birth |
Job Title |
U.I.D. No. |
Entry Permit No. |
Issuing Emirates |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
Thank you.
Name of signing official (Company’s seal)
Position at the Company